Using a JSON request

This page shows you how to perform basic tasks in the Insystech Data Loss Prevention API by making calls directly to the API.

Before you begin

To use the Insystech service you will need to subscribe to the Insystech DLP service. If you have not yet subscribed please do that first and sign up here.

Check your Inbox for your subscription receipt, it will contain two important pieces of information that you'll need: APIKey and secret

Also, you'll need to have a method to convert your file to a base64string because REST API expects the request to contain the file in this format

var base64Img = require('base64-img');
objBase64 = base64Img.base64Sync("your file path").split(',')[1];

Inspect a Microsoft Word document for sensitive information

This section shows you how to ask the service to scan a Microsoft Word Document using the redactREST method.

  1. Create a JSON request file with the following text, and save it as redact-request.json.

      "redact":  {
        "sourceData":"{Your Base64string}",
        "detectors": [ ]

    This JSON request contains the redact object. you received when subscribing to the Insystech DLP Service.

  2. Create a JSON request file with the following text, and save it as authentication-request.json.

      "APIKey": "{Your API Key}",
      "secret": "{Your API Secret}"

    This JSON request contains the APIKey and secret that you received when subscribing to the Insystech DLP Service.

  3. Use curl to make an authentication request, passing it the filename of the JSON request you set up in step 2:

    curl -s \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
    -d @authentication-request.json

    Note that to pass a filename to curl you use the -d option (for "data") and precede the filename with an @ sign. This file should be in the same directory in which you execute the curl command.

  4. Use curl to make a redaction request, passing it the access token you received as a response in step 3 and the filename of the JSON request you set up in step 1:

    curl -o redacted-result.pdf -s \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
    -d @redact-request.json

    Note that receive the response as a file usingcurl you use the -o option (for "output") and precede the filename. This file should be in the same directory in which you execute the curl command.

  5. Insystech DLP responds to your request with a 400 status message and the redacted file saved to your computer.

Congratulations! Your Robot has redacted its first file with Insystech DLP!

Last updated